City of Liverpool College

Drees & Sommer has worked as The City of Liverpool College’s lead property consultant since formation of our company in 1999. We have helped secure funding for the £105 million overall estate investment programme and has managed the delivery of major new buildings that have enabled the College to move from 13 separate buildings all in poor repair, to six sites where the majority of the building stock in now new and of very high quality.
Our team has continued to support the College with a range of refurbishment and space efficiency works to ensure that all buildings maximise on space and occupancy efficiency. Most recently our team has been providing Strategic Facilities Management advice to the College to help ensure that their hard FM is procured effectively and that energy performance is optimised.
An integral element of the development programme involved the creation of a central learning hub in the form of The Learning Exchange development, located at Roscoe Street within the city centre. The creation of the hub involved the rationalisation of library space across the campus estate to enable the delivery of a centralised learning resource centre within the heart of the campus.