London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Schools

London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Council
- Asset Management & Planned Maintenance
- Building Condition Surveys
- Party Walls
- Rights of Light & Daylight Sunlight
- Capital Finance and Funding
- Energy Audits
- Renewable Energy Solutions
- Decarbonisation Pathways
- Client CDM Advisor
- Principal Designer
- Design
- Survey
- Asset Management
- Cost Management
- Energy
- NetZero Carbon
Drees & Sommer have been working with the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham to decarbonise their schools. An initial 20 schools were surveyed and energy audits undertaken to examine the building envelop insulation, lighting, heating infrastructure, boilers as well as looking at any renewable energy opportunities. We were later appointed to consider changing the heat sources of seven schools to air source heat pumps using electricity and with no long-term reliance on fossil fuels.
Detailed studies were also undertaken to review two listed schools with a view to further improving the building fabric and replacing the existing windows with new high-performance double-glazed windows that met the planning requirements.
Having clear overviews of the best places to save energy and money was essential for the schools as well as for the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham as they look to move towards reducing their energy wastage and saving money.
We continue to support Hammersmith and Fulham Council with a range of services including change of use applications, measured surveys and condition reports while continuing to work with the council on ways to respond to the climate emergency and the clients ambitious target of being net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
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