Harrow College Masterplan, Health and Social Care Building & New Enterprise Building

Drees & Sommer was appointed by Harrow College to develop an estates strategy and masterplan for their two main campuses. The strategy identified an opportunity to develop a new business and enterprise centre on the main Harrow on the Hill site and a new Health and Social Care Building.
Our expert team were involved in the new build Enterprise Building along with refurbishment of key areas of the adjacent college buildings. This is the first new building that the College has commissioned in over 15 years and marks a major new opportunity for the College to open up areas of the site and plan for a much more connected campus.
The site location has significant prominence as it overlooks the adjacent Harrow Station. The College therefore had a clear brief that the new building must create a strong visual impact and a visible link to the future opportunities that will be created both internally and externally. The site is at the rear of the college campus and detailed planning and coordination has been required to be undertaken by our team to ensure that works can be completed safely with clear segregation of college and construction personnel and with as little impact on college teaching and learning activities as possible.