Loreto College Campus Development

Loreto College
- Asset Management & Planned Maintenance
- Building Condition Surveys
- Design & Refurbishment
- Fire Compartmentation Surveys & Fire Risk Assessments
- Contract Administration
- Cost Management
- Green Building Certifications (BREEAM, LEED, WELL, Fitwel, SKA)
- Capital Finance and Funding
- Asset Management
- FM Contract Procurement
- Client CDM Advisor
- Fire Risk Assessments
- Health & Safety Auditing
- Principal Designer
- Project Management
- Contract Administration
- Programme Management
- Due Dilligence and Appraisals
- Funding Applications
- Strategic Masterplanning
- Property/Estate strategies and Asset Appraisals
- Design
- Survey
- Asset Management
- Project Management
- Cost Management
- FM
- Energy
- H&S
- Funding
- Multidisciplinary
- Estate strategy
Drees & Sommer were appointed to assist with the phased delivery of Loreto College’s new estates strategy and have maintained a strong and continuous working relationship with the College for over 12 years. Our involvement commenced with the delivery of the new strategic plan through its strategic management team and now encompasses a full multidisciplinary service.
Our role has comprised the management of the land disposal and acquisition programme, curriculum and space modelling, feasibility studies, compilation of a business case for capital support, assistance in attaining alternative funding sources and project delivery through to completion.
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