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Ministry of Justice

We have provided project management and full design services to remodel and redesign internal building space to redevelop MOJ/Courts Service accommodation, welfare and refectory accommodation, staff offices, judiciary accommodation and waiting areas across a range of courts including, Barnsley Law Courts, Grimsby Combined Court, Lancaster Magistrates Court, Leeds Magistrates Court Sheffield Magistrates Court and Sunderland Magistrates Court amongst others.

Through our ongoing experience we are building relationships with the relevant Facilities Managers, SDM’s, Building Champions and Project Sponsors in order to ensure that communication to the right party is achieved at the outset.

We have also been commissioned to carry out defect investigations, condition surveys, fire compartmentation reviews and damp investigations across various courts and court buildings.

Our successful delivery of projects is resulting in further consideration for higher value and complex works across the MOJ Estate.

Design and Project Management Services

As an example of the breadth of experience we have working with HMCTS on behalf of G4S, our team was appointed to deliver professional project management and full design services on the remodelling and refurbishment of Courtrooms at Barnsley Law Courts and Wolverhampton Magistrates Court together with the re-roofing of Workington Magistrates Court and the over-cladding / façade replacement works at Burnley Combined Court. We developed detailed design drawings and schedules for repair and provided to these G4S in a timely manner. We then provided assistance throughout the procurement and construction phases. We added benefit to the procurement process by developing our bespoke repair schedules, linked to photographic evidence of the repairs required. This not only allowed repairs to be accurately identified, but also reduced survey time on site and therefore impact upon end users.

This image is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License. Credit: Stephen Oldham.

Contract Development and Preparation

We were also engaged by G4S to provide advice in relation to standardisation of contract information across a range of refurbishment works commissioned nationally. As part of this advice, we have sought to add benefit to G4S by providing a range of contractual options including linking G4S contracts with their contractors to their overarching contract held with the MOJ. In addition, we have developed contract documentation for execution across a number of these schemes.

This image is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License. Credit: Elliott Brown.

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