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Oxford City Council- Cave Street Development

CGI Credit: ADP Architecture



Oxford City Council




Drees & Sommer have been appointed by the City Council to provide Project Management / Employers Agent and Quantity Surveying services to support Oxford City Council with the redevelopment of key office space near to the City centre.

In addition, our Building Surveying team are assisting with surveys and due diligence including right of light for Planning, laser scan measured survey and condition survey.

The project consists of the regeneration an existing two-storey office block at the Council’s Standingford House site in the St Clements area of Oxford City Centre. The proposals include a full refurbishment and a new extension to create a modern mixed use development occupying the majority of the site.

The scheme is currently in the pre-contract design period after the project team worked diligently together to deliver an extensive options appraisal at feasibility stage. This work involved our team producing numerous cost appraisals and development programmes. This feasibility work also linked in with looking at Daylight Sunlight and Rights of Light risks and potential Party Wall / Oversailing so that any issues can be positively addressed at an early stage in the design process and assist the project move forward to site without development constraints.

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