South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Land & Assets Review

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority commissioned Drees & Sommer UK to undertake a review of public land and assets in the region. The authority wanted to identify assets and land that could be utilised to aid regeneration.
We collated all current asset data and planned investments from the regional public sector partners to develop a comprehensive view of the public land assets across South Yorkshire. We examined how those assets could be brought forward for disposal or development as part of Local Authority Place-Based Investment Plans, and the SYMCA Transformational Impact Investment Plans.
Through investigating assets and land in the context of existing strategic programmes, the review provided clarity on how key opportunities would meet existing and future targets, and how development could be best progressed.
Drees & Sommer UK worked with 20 stakeholders across the 4 local authorities (Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield), NHS Trusts, emergency services, central government departments and other public sector bodies. We collated information on the South Yorkshire public sector land and asset holdings; totalling over 5,000 asset interests. We ran a series of engagement sessions with the public sector partners to identify strategic priorities and understand where there may be surplus assets that could be used differently.
We used mapping techniques to appraise assets against strategic need. Using GIS (Geographical Information System) the specific needs of communities were mapped alongside the surplus assets, showing up where there is a clear link between need and opportunity. This ensured effective filtering of the asset base into a prioritised list of potentially surplus assets that were commercially assessed for alternative uses and value. The potential outputs identified link directly to the One Public Estate (OPE) targets of capital receipts, reduced running costs jobs created and land released for housing.
All data, including mapping data, was consolidated and shared to enable SYMCA and its partners to continue to develop as they further progress this workstream to take advantage of the opportunities identified.
Recommendations were given on the next steps the partnership should take to progress this work. In addition recommendations were made to how SYMCA could make best use of the systems available to them.