University of Manchester Estates Professional Services

- Asset Management & Planned Maintenance
- Defects Diagnosis & Management
- Design & Refurbishment
- Expert Witness
- Landlord and Tenant
- Party Walls
- Rights of Light & Daylight Sunlight
- Cost Management
- Risk Management
- Value Management
- Renewable Energy Solutions
- Project Management
- Contract Administration
- JCT Employer’s Agent
- Programme Management
- Survey
- Project Management
- Cost Management
- H&S
- Multidisciplinary
- Estate strategy
Drees & Sommer has been a trusted consultant to the University of Manchester since 2004 and have supported them over the past decade to support them to achieve their academic strategy and vision of excellence for the city.
We have delivered a breadth of multidisciplinary services covering every building within the University’s estate including: wet labs, dry labs, Faraday labs, library refurbishments and a £14m new build learning commons, campus wide infrastructure upgrades, public realm, digital upgrades such a podcasting to all lecture theatres, summer halls refurbishment programmes, the £12m refurbishment of the Grade II Whitworth Art Gallery and teaching and administration facility projects including University Place a £65m teaching and administration building with a 1,000 seat lecture theatre. We also managed refurbishments at the Jodrell Bank visitors centre.
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