Higher Education Frameworks
We are appointed on a number of university frameworks. It’s a feature of everyday working in the HE sector. Our first appointment was University of Liverpool back in 2004, and University of Manchester in 2008. Subsequent iterations of which we are suppliers on to this day. Today we count: Birmingham City University, University of Manchester, University of Birmingham, University of Oxford, University of Lancaster, University of Worcester, University of Nottingham.

The University of Birmingham recently re-appointed us to their surveying framework. The new 10 year agreement, that sits alongside engineering and architectural frameworks creates the opportunity for consultants to build a lasting relationship with the institution at the start of major transformation programmes, including a £1bn masterplan and £175m capital programme. Within the agreements are framework panels, whereby specialists from across the consultant and contractor teams convene to review best practice delivery models and workshop innovation. We ourselves are contributors to the Net ZeroCarbon delivery, where we are looking at how to translate Net ZeroCarbon and Passivhaus specifications into practical delivery. We are also participants of the KPI workgroup, in which we refine strategic, estates, project, consultants and contractor KPIs, look at synergies, and how the project team can be aligned across estates delivery.
This model is a reflection of similar panels that we set up at the University of Manchester to support the institution move to CDM 2015 regulations. By bringing together all the consultants, contractors and estates teams through the legislative changes, and following a full strategic review of ‘where are we now, where do we need to be’ we were able to identify the key gaps around process, skills, behaviours, structure and systems across the entire estates delivery.
For institutions that don’t service their own framework, we’ve adopted some of our own third-party frameworks to support procurement teams establish the optimal procurement route for delivery. Being suppliers on a number of national public sector frameworks such as NHS Shared Business Services, ESPO, Crown Commercial Services Estate Management, and CCS Management Consultancy Framework, Procure Partnerships, NEPRO, NEPO, and RISE. Frameworks are more than an instrument to circumnavigate procurement directives, used right they can be fantastic additions to estates delivery. Some days however it’s about collaborating with procurement and estates teams to understand which route will drive best value for that institution. Being present on so many frameworks we are in a great position to help navigate through the issue.
Over the years we’ve helped our clients set up their own frameworks and agreements. We’ve supported the University of Liverpool and the University of Oxford with their contractor frameworks. We even set up a framework for Parliamentary Estates to delivery projects at the Palace of Westminster. Our teams have also procured facilities management and fixed term contracts for estates maintenance and FM. We’ve supported with DBFOs and reviewed PPP/PFI agreements to ensure compliance for all parties.