NHSi capital funding
As a business we do not sit around waiting for healthcare providers to give us work. We proactively seek out opportunity for funding eligibility. We have 20 accredited Better Business Case Practitioners. Upskilled to understand NHSi requirements we have created our own bespoke checklists and project actions trackers which we tailor to each scheme.
All our consultants, whether they be healthcare planners, data analysts, business case writers, estates utilisation consultants, project programme cost managers all hold this qualification. They understand the Treasury’s Green Book Model and through socialising our knowledge across our project team it allows each consultant to help steer their component of the scheme towards funding success.
We have a specialist in-house energy and sustainability team that help trusts attract green bank funding, and lower energy costs through the creation of heat networks, or the implementation of sustainable technologies. There’s never going to be a one solution fits all, but through the breadth of niche specialisms that we as a business house, we are able to help Trusts understand the full suite of options available to them, which we can consult on their success factors.
We have done this because we recognise the critical need for investment across hospitals in the UK and the need to truly define the value drivers against the CIAM appraisal system.
We support this thinking with consultants that can interrogate key cost/risk areas such as MEP and whole life cycle cost consultants, and senior NHS estates directors who work in-house that have experience balancing capital budgets and PFI/PPP models.
What is critical, and a mantra that we will resolutely stand by is that the continuous clinical performance of a Trust is paramount, whether that be planning clinicians time well in advance, investing additional capacity to eradicate any clinical impact in relation to people flow, care pathway, blue routes and logistics.
Whether we be generating capital receipts through whole life costing, or building billion pound business cases, by centering our approach around clinical excellence, we are able to cultural align our services and an organic extension of the Trusts we support.

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